When I tested live migration from the GUI there was a problem - the error message was the virtual machine was not compatible. The target server was significantly older than the source and had never run a VM before so we started investigating hardware.
We looked through the specifications of the (significantly different Dell models) servers in question and they both met all the requirements of live migration. We rebooted and checked the BIOS and everything was switched on for virtualisation / live migration.
After some head scratching I decided to run the same command in Powershell and lo and behold the real error was displayed:
The original GUI message was still there:
The virtual machine 'XNMTEST' is not compatible with physical computer 'BACKUPSERVER'
But Powershell gave some crucial extra information relating to the error:
Could not find Ethernet Switch VMLAG
I immediately looked more closely at the target server. My colleague had put a space in the VM networking name!
Instead of VMLAG he had typed VM<space>LAG. I renamed the switch to match the source server and it worked perfectly.
2 morals to this story:
Double check the obvious first - looking at processor specifications and BIOS settings was not required.
Use Powershell to get better error messages - the GUI message whilst technically accurate was somewhat misleading! The GUI should be modified to give the same error messages as Powershell instead of (presumably) just the highest level error.