When the http web page shortcuts were updated to point to CAS2013 (eg https://cas2013/owa) servers instead of CAS2010 servers just prior to the mailbox moves these users were unable to open their deleted items folder but this was a minor error so it was ignored as the users were only in this state for a short time. Presumably there is a subtle bug when the CAS2013 was proxying to the CAS2010. Everything else worked perfectly. During testing no-one had been in the deleted items folder!
After moving mailboxes to Exchange 2013 a small number of users were getting a major error where it appeared that the CAS2013 was still attempting to proxy back to CAS2010, and the CAS2010 attempting to retrieve data from Mailbox2013! Obviously OWA 2010 does not know how to get data from a 2013 mailbox and fails.
The error always had the same pattern.
Remember that the original request is to https://CAS2013/OWA, leaving the CAS2013 to decide how to handle the request.
Url: https://CAS2010.domain.local:443/owa/forms/premium/StartPage.aspx (proxied in error to 2010)
User: AUser
EX Address: /o=domain/ou=domain/cn=Recipients/cn=AUser
SMTP Address: AUser@domain.com
OWA version:
Mailbox server: MAILBOX2013.domain.local
Exception type:
Exception message: Cannot get row count.
Call stack
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.QueryResult.get_EstimatedRowCount() ...
Rest omitted for brevity
After looking round the problem appeared similar to this one with the EAS directory/mobile devices.
However, all the EAS devices picked up the new settings within 10 minutes of the mailbox move...
I manually recycled the application pools and the mailboxes magically started working in OWA.
It looks like a different variant of the same bug. Lets hope they fix it soon...
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